Mission Statement

London ACPIN aims to:
- Provide a range of low cost CPD events to support the professional development of members, non members, students and practitioners working both within and outside the London region;
- Encourage/support the generation, dissemination and implementation of both evidence base practice and quality improvement/service development initiatives;
- Support
- Bring people together from across both the London neurophysiotherapy community and other associated groups and allied professionals, to network and share good practice
- Promote Neurophysiotherapy and through its continual growth and development, to improve the quality of life of people living with neurological dysfunction.
Previous Events/Courses
- Enriched Environments in Stroke Rehabilitation
- Below the Belt in Neurology, Bladder and Bowel Study Day
- Peripheral Nerve Study Day
- Cerebral Palsy in Adulthood, Caught Between Services. The Challenge of Improving Joint MSK/Orthopaedic and Neuro Working
- Service Improvement and Research Half Day
- Joint day Between ACPRC – Respiratory Management in Complex Neurological Conditions
- Physiotherapy and Medical Management of Cervical Dystonia
- Sitting time after stroke. How much is too much, at what times after stroke is it a problem and what can we do about it?
To download the slides from the Fatigue : Potential Causes, Management and Special Populations Including Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome and ME event click here | 20 July 2020 |
Regional Information
Any surplus funds from London ACPIN courses are reinvested in the London ACPIN community. For example, bringing eminent international clinicians and researchers to the UK to present at London ACPIN events. Each year the committee also allocates a small proportion of funds to provide grants to London ACPIN members, granting up to £500 per application. There are two different grants available:
- The London ACPIN Lectureship Fund (supporting national and international travel costs for speaking at conferences), and
- The London ACPIN Research Support Fund (supporting small elements of research activity – either work in its entirety or to add to other awards that have been secured)
Chair Vice Chair and member for Council Honorary Treasurer Honorary Secretary Education and Research Development Officer Publicity and Communications Officer CPD Activities Officer Regional Affairs Officer | Sally Davenport Michelle Walsh Amanda Strawson Rebecca Gibbs Andrea Stennett and Michele Walsh Laura Douglas and Wilson Mbutu Glenn Nielson and Dhiren Shivji Chris Manning |
To contact London email: click here